Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.
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Parliament and Government News | Fisheries News | Hansard Monitoring
Change of Date for Our Next Event

The date of our upcoming event has changed - it will now take place on Tuesday 30 November, 10am - 11.30am. The event, following #TalkMoney week, will hear from a number of organisations who are actively working to improve financial resilience in UK fishing communities. Sign up below.
Event sign-up

Parliament and Government News

Coastal States Reach TAC Agreement for NE Atlantic Stocks

Coastal states have agreed on TACs for North-East Atlantic pelagic fisheries for 2022, namely for stocks of mackerel, blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring. The agreed TACs are in line with ICES MSY advice, although quota-sharing arrangements are yet to be developed.
Channel Islands Licensing Dispute

The UK-France dispute surrounding fishing access to waters around the Channel Islands eased last week following the issue of temporary licences to 49 French vessels. France have said they remain "open to dialogue" as the two nations seek resolution.
Ocean Action Day at COP26 Hears Leaders Call for Ocean Protection and Restoration

Last Friday marked Ocean Action Day at COP26. The UK Presidency called upon world leaders to take ambitious steps towards ocean health and resilience in efforts to reach Net Zero. Announcements included over £12 million of funding for sustainable ocean projects.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.
Help for Fishing Industry Members Looking to Apply to the FISP Funding Scheme
Fishing Into The Future, Fishing Animateurs and The Fishmongers' Company are helping connect industry members with scientists so they can access FISP funding.

Scotland's £1.6bn Seafood Processing Industry Launches Recruitment Campaign
Seafish and the Scottish Seafood Association are collaborating through the ‘Sea A Bright Future’ campaign to showcase the wealth of opportunities available.

New Scottish Government Survey to Assess Industry Readiness for Climate Action
The survey seeks to understand how ready Scotland’s fishing sector is to respond to the climate change challenge, and how it can assist in implementing solutions. 

The Seafarers' Charity Drives Project to Develop Onboard Safety Management
The project is working to the Fishing Safety Management Code standard, providing support for owners to create a Safety Management System for their vessel.

'Positive' Preliminary Results from Trials of Low-Impact Scallop Dredges
The collaborative project, funded by the UK Seafood Innovation Fund, sees fishermen working alongside scientists in joint work to reduce damage to the seabed.

Review on Data Collection Methods Used in NE Atlantic Small-Scale Fisheries
The CABFISHMAN review includes contributions from the fishing industry and aims to help establish a collaborative co-management framework.

Hansard Monitoring

Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Jacob Ashton & Katrina Ryan
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