Welcome to the second APPG on Fisheries stakeholder newsletter. Through regular updates, we'll aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We'll also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard. Scroll to the bottom for event news and sign-ups.

Parliament News

Call for Engagement on English Marine Planning Iteration 3

The MMO is reaching the end of its engagement period, consulting stakeholders on preferred draft policies for the marine planning process in English waters. Surveys are split into four areas (south-west, south-east, north-west, north-east). The closing date is in 2 days' time, the 29th March.
Scottish Fisheries Minister Calls For Discussions on Industry's Future

Fergus Ewing has launched a national discussion paper, setting out the government's proposals for taking Scotland's fishing industry forwards, and encouraging input from individuals, businesses and communities. It includes proposed amendments to the Fisheries Bill.
UK Negotiates Trade Pact with Norway and Iceland

The three states have reached a temporary agreement to maintain zero tariffs on goods such as seafood. It establishes a basis for reaching a permanent agreement in further negotiations, to replace the current deals the UK holds with the two states as part of the EU.
New Committee Inquiry Launched for Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change

Sea level rise is threatening coastal communities and infrastructure, as well as possibly rendering existing flood defences obsolete. The Committee has called for written evidence regarding a number of questions around the issue.
Seafish Releases Guidance for Seafood Trade Certification in Case of No Deal

Seafish, the public body that supports the UK seafood industry, has issued guidance for importers and exporters regarding catch certificates and export health certificates in the event of the UK leaving the EU without a withdrawal agreement.
Track the Fisheries Bill

The Fisheries Bill is over halfway through the House of Commons, and is currently awaiting the Report Stage, where proposed amendments can be made and further amendments considered. You can track its progress using the link.


The Parliamentary Committees of the United Kingdom are sub-legislative organizations each consisting of small number of MPs and/or Peers appointed to deal with particular areas or issues. There are several active or recently concluded Committee inquiries and reports with relevance to the fisheries industry.
Coastal Flooding and Adaptation to Climate Change Inquiry (New)
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee has recently launched an inquiry into the risks and adaptation measures for coastal communities and infrastructure as a result of sea level rise. They are seeking written submissions.

Scrutiny of the Fisheries Bill Inquiry
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee launched a short inquiry on the proposed scope, provisions and powers in the Fisheries Bill. Their report is available and is awaiting government response.

Sustainable Seas Inquiry
The Environmental Audit Committee launched an inquiry examining how to protect marine life and how the Government can create a more sustainable blue economy. Their report is available and is awaiting government response.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.

Reserve Quota Pools Set Up To Avoid Chokes
Fisheries administrations are setting up quota pools to encourage fishing vessels to comply with the Landing Obligation.

EU Releases Contingency Measures in Case of No Deal
The Council of the European Union's new legislative measures include proposing UK-EU access to each other's waters until the end of 2019.

Scottish Seafood Association Demands Greater Government Support
Scotland's seafood processing sector is calling for ministers to help remove blockages that are inhibiting the industry's modernisation and development.

Gear Trials Discussed by UK Fisheries Economics Network
UKFEN met to share knowledge and best practice, particularly concerning economic assessments of gear trials, as the industry moves towards more selective gear.

Scottish Fisheries Minister Headlining Scottish Seafood Summit
Fergus Ewing is the keynote speaker for the Scottish Seafood Summit on 27th March. The summit will focus on the impact of Brexit on the seafood industry.

Grimsby Pays Tribute to 'Seafood Giant' Frank Flear
Founder of Bluecrest and Seachill and credited as the saviour of Grimsby's fishing industry, Flear has died aged the age of 84.

UN Recognises UK Science Excellence in Shellfish Safety
The UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation has designated the UK's Cefas as a Reference Centre for Bivalve Mollusc Sanitation.

Voting Open for the Fishing News Awards 2019
Shortlists are out from nominations across Britain and Ireland. You can place your votes by following the link.

Hansard Monitoring

Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters will gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.

Sign up for our first 2019 event.


7th May 2019

2.30-3.30pm  |  Westminster
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Contact the Secretariat for more information

Katrina Ryan, Sara Mynott and Jacob Ashton

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