Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries stakeholder newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.

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Parliament News

ICES Reports North Sea Cod Stocks are 'Critical'

ICES has recommended a 63% reduction in available catch, following an assessment that concluded cod is being 'harvested unsustainably'. Reasons for this severe diagnosis are thought to be linked to both greater catches under the Landing Obligation and climate change.
UK Fisheries Minister says NI Fishing 'Won't be Sold Out'

During a visit to Country Down, Robert Goodwill promised that Northern Ireland's fishing fleet, along with the rest of the UK, would not be 'sold out' as part of wider negotiations with the EU. He said it was important to retain foreign export markets and avoid disruption caused by Brexit.
Commission Invites Industry to Respond to Draft Acts

The European Commission has opened public consultations into a number of draft acts, concerning the import of animals and animal products (including marine species) into the EU. The acts focus on health requirements as well as the control and prevention of disease.
POST Report on Climate Change and Fisheries

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology have released a briefing summarising the impacts of climate change on marine fisheries. Impacts include ocean warming, acidification, deoxygenation and storms. It also explores ways in which fisheries could adapt to these changing conditions.

Track the Progress of the Fisheries Bill

The proposed Fisheries Bill is set to replace the EU's Common Fisheries Policy following the UK's departure from the EU. The Bill is over halfway through the House of Commons, and is currently awaiting the Report Stage. Track its progress here and read our digest of the Bill on the APPG blog.


UK Parliamentary Committees consist of a small number of MPs and/or Peers appointed to deal with particular issues. There are several Committee inquiries and reports relevant to the fisheries industry.
Sustainable Development Goals Inquiry
The Environmental Audit Committee held a one-off evidence session concerning the UK's Voluntary National Review of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 14 concerns our marine environment.

Scrutiny of the Fisheries Bill Inquiry
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee launched a short inquiry on the proposed scope, provisions and powers in the Fisheries Bill. Their report is available and is awaiting government response.

EU Landing Obligation Inquiry
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee's inquiry concluded that the UK is 'unprepared for new fisheries conservation rules.' The government has responded to their report and it is now awaiting debate.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.
NFFO Responds to Fisheries Bill Amendment to Replace Fixed Quota Allocations
The National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations has released a document analysing the pros and cons of the current system used to allocate quota.

Scottish Fishing Group Pledges to Rebuild North Sea Cod Stocks
The Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group has said it is '100% committed to sustainable catching' and will rebuild cod stocks.

New Comprehensive Map of UK's Marine Protected Area Network
The collaborative project, led by Seafish's Kingfisher Information Service, is designed to help fishermen support responsible and sustainable fishing.

Electronic Catch Recording to be Phased In for English and Welsh Vessels
The MMO has changed implementation plans following an industry consultation. Additionally, the roll-out of inshore vessel monitoring systems has been delayed.

APPG's Seafood Careers Event Concludes that Collaboration is Needed
Many attendees of the APPG on Fisheries' latest meeting called for greater communication within the seafood sector to help solve recruitment issues.

Hansard Monitoring

Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.

16 July 2019

12.30-1.30pm | Westminster
Event Details

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Katrina Ryan, Sara Mynott and Jacob Ashton
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