Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.
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Parliament and Government News | Fisheries News | Hansard Monitoring
Wishing you a Happy New Year...
...from the APPG on Fisheries. We’re excited to be back and raising the profile of the fisheries sector within Parliament and beyond. Keep an eye out for announcements about the exciting array of events, reports, and other projects that we have lined up throughout 2022.

Parliament and Government News

UK and EU Reach Agreement on 2022 Catch Limits

The bilateral agreement, confirmed on 22 December, will provide the UK with around 140,000 tonnes of fishing opportunities, worth approximately
£313 million. Within the agreement, the UK and EU have committed to the rapid development of multi-year sustainable management strategies for non-quota species. 
UK and Norway Agree on Fisheries Access and Quotas for 2022

The arrangement, finalised on 21 December, has seen both parties permit some mutual access to each other's waters, and exchange a number of fish quotas. The UK sees increased quotas of North Sea stocks such as cod, haddock and hake, as well as cod in the waters off Svalbard.
£75 Million Boost for UK Fishing Sector Announced

The UK Government has announced that £65 million will be made available for infrastructure modernisation and £10 million will be dedicated to encouraging new entrants and providing training opportunities. The funding represents the second and third allocations made under the £100 million UK Seafood Fund.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.
New Export Health Certificates Required from 15 January
Businesses exporting fisheries and aquaculture products to the EU or Northern Ireland will be required to show EHCs, following the UK's departure from the EU.

Scottish Government Seeks Views on Marine Litter Strategy
A consultation on the strategy, which includes measures to improve the waste management and recycling of fishing gear, runs until 22 March 2022. 

Permit Required for Whelk Fishing in Wales from 1 March 
The new measures will also require vessels to submit monthly catch and effort data, and to comply with annual TAC and monthly catch limits. 

Hansard Monitoring

Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.

Question | Defra | 30 Dec | Non-Quota Species and EU Trade Agreement
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Jacob Ashton & Katrina Ryan
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