Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.
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Parliament News | Fisheries News | Hansard Monitoring

Upcoming Event

Our next event will cover the socioeconomics of fishing communities, examining the causes behind social and economic challenges, and how these could be addressed. As always, a diverse audience is welcomed.

Please note: this event is currently fully subscribed. We aim to secure a larger room but this will only be confirmed the day before the event.

Find out more
or contact us at secretariat@fisheriesappg.org

Parliament News

New Fisheries Bill Introduced

The re-introduction of the Fisheries Bill aims to legally guarantee the departure of the UK from the Common Fisheries Policy by 31 December 2020. Changes from the previous draft of the Bill include replacing the discards objective with a new one on bycatch, plus the addition of objectives on national benefit and climate change.

'Red Line' for Fishing Talks

The UK government has named getting a deal that benefits UK fishermen as one of its five key negotiating principles for discussions with the EU over Brexit. Fishing is the only industry to be mentioned specifically in the list of negotiating priorities. This appears to allay fears that fishing rights would be traded for trade benefits with the EU.
Public Ports Consultation Opens

Seafish has launched a public consultation on the Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme, a voluntary programme designed to encourage ports to display best practice in five core areas: food safety, working conditions, the environment, care of the catch, and traceability. The consultation will run until 8 April.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.

Scottish Seafood Association Calls for Free Trade and Access to EU Market 
Scotland’s seafood processors are calling for continued tariff-free trade and access to labour as Brexit progresses, outlined in a new 2020 Vision document.

European Fisheries Alliance Looks to Future of EU-UK Agreements
EUFA has released a position paper on Brexit, setting out four core principles that cover trade, fishing opportunities, access to waters and sustainable management.

Active Fishermen Join Inshore Fisheries Project Steering Group
Six fishermen have joined the steering group for the Future Of Our Inshore Fisheries project, to ensure that fishing communities’ insights are included within discussions.

Scotland Publishes Economic Data on Lucrative Nephrops Fishery
The policy brief, released by the Scottish Government and Marine Scotland, hopes to inform management decisions for Scotland’s second most valuable fishery.

European Fisheries Control Agency Confirms Discards Ban Non-Compliance
The set of reports from EFCA has confirmed widespread non-compliance with the Landing Obligation in the North Sea and northwestern waters during 2015-2017.

Natural Capital Committee Releases 2020 Annual Report
The report reviews progress made in the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan. Recommendations for fisheries include minimising impacts on marine natural capital.

Pan-European Study Reveals Discord Between Quotas and Stocks
The study, led by the University of Aberdeen, found that commercial fish stocks in European waters are not accurately represented by the relevant quotas.

Marine and Coastguard Agency to Use Aerial Surveillance for Fishing Safety 
The MCA will use surveillance aircraft to check that fishermen are using lifejackets or safety harnesses at sea. Fishing is currently the UK’s most dangerous profession.

Hansard Monitoring

Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Katrina Ryan, Sara Mynott and Jacob Ashton
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