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Parliament and Government News | Fisheries News 
Policy Brief: Fisheries Climate Resilience

We are pleased to publish our latest policy brief, which explores the climate resilience case studies featured at our latest event, and their lessons for building resilience to climate change into fisheries management and coastal communities.
Read the brief

Parliament and Government News

MMO Publishes Guidance on Bluefin Tuna Following Increased Presence in UK Waters

The UK holds a bluefin tuna quota for the first time, made to account for incidental mortality from scientific surveys and unavoidable bycatch. No UK vessels are authorised to target this stock. The new guidance also details what to do in the event of a catch.
PM Urged by Scottish Fishing Leaders to Help Support the Industry Post-Brexit

The PM has met with fishing leaders in Scotland who have requested that he takes urgent action to support the industry following the UK's departure from the EU. They suggested commitments to deliver better opportunities for the fleet alongside improved use of scientific evidence.
King Scallop Fishery Suspended until 18 October to Allow for Stock Recovery

The king scallop fishery in UK waters of ICES area VIId (the eastern part of the English Channel) is to be closed until mid-October for over-10m vessels. This comes following a consultation with the UK scallop industry and a Cefas survey of stock levels conducted over the last four years.
Defra Publishes Report on How Fishers and Anglers Currently Engage in Wider Fisheries Management

The CCRI research integrated views from over 600 participants, reporting that both fishers and anglers have a strong desire to contribute their knowledge and expertise, although they expressed concerns about trust and recognition of this input.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.
Seafish's Industry Consultation on Future Work and Funding Closes 20 August
Businesses and individuals have until midnight tonight to participate. The strategic review is seeking views on how Seafish can best serve the UK seafood sector.

Latest Fathom Podcast Episode Explores New Marine Fund Scotland Scheme
The episode discusses the scheme that helps young fishermen buy second-hand fishing vessels, and recommends consideration of a similar scheme for England.

'Women in Welsh Fisheries Group' to Offer Support and Networking Opportunities
The newly formed group hopes to raise the profile of women in the fishing industry, all along the Welsh coast. The group is facilitated by the Wales Seafood Cluster.

Sprat Stocks Make Strong 'Unexpected' Recovery in the Firth of Clyde
Research indicates stocks are four times larger than in the late 1980s, with their recovery attributed in part to the absence of herring fishing over the last 20 years.
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Jacob Ashton & Katrina Ryan
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