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UK Fishing in a Changing Climate

Climate change is having a profound impact on the world’s marine ecosystems, causing knock-on effects for fisheries, including those in UK waters. The distribution patterns and abundance of fish stocks are changing as average sea temperature rises. Climate change is also contributing to increased prevalence and severity of storms, which can make fishing a more dangerous occupation and damage its economic viability.

Anticipating the effects of climate change is a key challenge for the UK fishing fleet. The fleet needs to be able to adapt to target different species as stock distributions shift and weather patterns change. Fishing effort needs to be managed sustainably to support stocks’ resilience in a changing climate, thereby increasing the need for responsive quota and fisheries management. Additionally, the fishing fleet has an important role to play in gathering data to uncover the effects of climate change on fisheries, and to help predict future trends that may impact the industry.

This event will hear from people with first-hand experience of the effects of climate change on UK fisheries. Presentations will be followed by questions to the panel and an inclusive discussion.

Find the event recording here.

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Earlier Event: September 29
Local Decision-Making for UK Fishing
Later Event: December 1
Staying Safe at Sea